Business Communications Systems

Privacy Policy

In order to provide customized responses to your requests, we collect your contact information (email address, phone number) and profile information (zip codes, the nature of your business and your communications needs). The only information we collect about you is the information you voluntarily input. The information you input is used to set up your account if you do not already have one and is only shared with the appropriate staff to carry out your request.

CastleCom promises to protect the privacy of your information using modern standards in technology.

We will not sell, trade or disclose “user identifiable” information collected at this site (such as a user’s name, postal address, email address or telephone number) to anyone, unless required to do so by law (for example, in response to a court subpoena.)

If you have questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact us at

Thank you,
CastleCom Support

Remote Support